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Bounty Q&A rewards those who provide high-quality, insightful answers. The community votes on their favorite answers, and the voted answers share the rewards (a reward from questioners' votes, and another from the combined votes from peekers and questioners). Whether youβre an expert or just passionate about certain topics, your input matters and can be rewarded.
As an answerer, your role is to provide insightful responses. In addition to text, you can upload images to better illustrate and support your ideas.
As an answerer, you can earn two types of rewards from two different stages:
1. Bounty Rewards:
Questioners and co-questioners can vote for their favorite answers.
The more votes you receive, the more bounty you will earn.
If youβre a specified responder, you earn the bounty directly.
2. Peeking Fee Rewards:
Once the Q&A is open for peeking, peekers can vote for their favorite answers.
The more votes you receive, the bigger share you can earn from the peeking fees.
Note: To ensure fairness, answerers can only access their own answers. If they wish to view all answers during the peeking stage, they will need to pay the peeking fee like any other participant.